Queenstown Elopement Heli Wedding Photographer クイーンズタウン結婚式 | Eriko & Naoki, a bride and groom, having their Pre-Wedding Shoot in a grassy field at sunset with the stunning backdrop of Queenstown Heli.
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Eriko & Naoki | Queenstown Heli Pre-Wedding Shoot

Eriko and Naoki’s love story is nothing short of serendipitous, blending the charm of a chance encounter with the magic of this pre-wedding shoot. Their journey to the aisle is a testament to the power of connection and the beauty of shared dreams.

The Meeting

Their story begins in Nagano Prefecture, where Eriko, a migrant, caught Naoki’s eye at a guesthouse in Nagano City. Fate, it seems, had other plans, as they found each other again through a dating app, igniting a spark that would shape their future.

Building the Foundation

Their initial date was a revelation for both. Naoki recalls the immediate sense of camaraderie, while Eriko found herself captivated by the effortless connection they shared. Despite the geographical distance and busy schedules, their bond only grew stronger with time.

A Future in Focus

From the outset, Eriko and Naoki knew theirs was a love meant for the long haul. Their shared aspirations for security and excitement laid the groundwork for discussions about their future together, paving the way for heartfelt conversations about marriage early in their journey. Thus, paving the way to this magical pre-wedding shoot.

Love Blossoms

For Naoki, love struck swiftly, recognizing Eriko’s warmth and charm from their first meeting. Their time together, exploring antique shops and hot springs, solidified his feelings. Eriko, too, felt the pull of love, unable to deny the magnetic connection they shared.

A Proposal, Uniquely Theirs

Their path to marriage was marked by mutual understanding and collaboration. What began as casual discussions about their future evolved into a heartfelt decision sealed with a letter on Eriko’s birthday, symbolizing their commitment to each other.

Admiration and Aspirations

In each other, they find endless wells of admiration and respect. Naoki marvels at Eriko’s work ethic and unwavering self-assurance, while Eriko finds solace in Naoki’s kindness and acceptance. Together, they envision a future filled with love and laughter, where communication and gratitude form the bedrock of their relationship.

The Road Ahead to the Pre-wedding shoot

As they look toward the future, Eriko and Naoki see a world brimming with possibilities. Their love story, rooted in authenticity and shared values, serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us that true love knows no bounds.

A Pre-wedding shoot for the Ages

Eriko and Naoki’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of love. From chance encounters to heartfelt conversations, theirs is a story of two souls finding their perfect match in each other. As they embark on this new chapter together, one thing is clear: their love knows no bounds.

In collaboration with their dedicated vendors, including James for photography and Philippa as their celebrant, their pre-wedding shoot captured the essence of their love, immortalizing their journey for generations to come. From the picturesque landscapes to the intimate moments shared, every frame tells a story of love, laughter, and the promise of forever.

Getting Ready

Sunshine Bay

Moke Lake

Coronet Peak

Lake Johnson